My daughter, Senja.

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I’ve always wanted a cat. But now I have a greyhound.

Senja is her name.

Senja is special.  She is one of the 40% of 20,000 greyhounds bred annually in Australia that never go on to race. She would have been one of the approximately 3,000 greyhounds that are euthanised because they are not cut out for racing. In the racing industry, they are called ‘wastage’ and hence, should be disposed. Euthanasia is one way of getting rid of wastages. Some end up in vets as blood and/or organ donors – then, euthanised. Others are shot dead or hammered on the head.  Senja’s friends with racing careers experience the same fate too when they are no longer fast enough, usually by the age of 3 – 4. Or, they are injured, which happens quite frequently in races with an estimation of one injury (or death) in one race alone. For greyhounds, it’s a no-win situation being in the racing industry. For more atrocities faced by Senja’s friends, go here:

Deciding to adopt Senja has been one of the best things that I have done for myself in 2013. And I hope that it is the same for her. If you would like to know more about adopting a greyhound in Queensland, drop me a message. xxx Chinta



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